Tuesday, November 8

Do women have a better sense of humor?

Quick list, my three favorite comedians:

1. Bill Cosby
2. Mark Lowry
3. Jeff Foxworthy

What do they have in common? None of them are women. But according to a study in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, women are more likely to enjoy a good joke than men. Here's a snippet from the story:

But they were surprised when their studies of how the male and female brains react to humor showed that women were more analytical in their response, and felt more pleasure when they decided something really was funny.

"Women appeared to have less expectation of a reward, which in this case was the punch line of the cartoon," said Reiss. "So when they got to the joke's punch line, they were more pleased about it."

This may be all well and good, but I still don't believe the no. 1 thing women are looking for is a man with a sense of humor...

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