Thursday, December 1

Tom's Pet Peeves - and "Yes" I have a few.... no particular order

People who do something they know is wrong - just because they think they can get away with it

Ties, Suits and Sport Coats (on me)

Grocery carts with one bad wheel
Shoppers that take up the whole aisle

Mumbling, then saying, "Forget it!"

When anyone thinks their "don't remember" might trump my "do remember"

Saying, "drop it" the moment a conversation veers into an unwanted direction

Cooks that don't clean up as they go
People that stack their dirty dishes on the disposal side of the sink

Greeting cards that throw sparkles, sequins or confetti on the hapless recipient

Using the TP down to the last ten squares without fetching a new roll

Having a drawer full (or more) of unknown cords, transformers, rechargers, adapters

Standing in my TV line-of-sight during the last 30 seconds of any show (Thank heavens for TiVo!)

Finding a TV remote in the car or anywhere else where it couldn't possibly be used

TV Shows or ads with doorbells, ringing phones, or alarm clocks!

Radio Ads featuring horns, sirens, or people yelling "Look out!"

Braille signs at drive through windows
Taking forever to leave a parking space while others are clearly waiting for it

People who put the coffee pot back on the burner with only an ounce of coffee left

Sneezing or coughing when you have a full bladder
No toilet paper or paper towels in public bathrooms

Standing in the way of folks wishing to use an escalator, moving sidewalk or doorway 

Keeping anything on the floor

Being put on the speakerphone without warning

Retail clerks that ignore the live customer to help one that interrupts via phone

When people think they own the world
When people think only about themselves
Parents who don't parent

People who blow their horn at you the nano-second the light changes to green

People who enter thru the exit and exit thru the enter. Can they not read what it says over the doorway?

Guys who wear wife-beaters in public...they call them undershirts for a reason

People who talk on their cell phone or to others during movies

People who pick their nose in public
Rude and mean people
Ignorant and racist people
Any Gap commercial

Famous people that name their kids God-awful names

People in bike clubs that ride 6 a-breast, blocking traffic - Single file please!

People that spell "you're" as "your" –or– “their” as “there” or “they're”
The incorrect use of "its" and "it's". "It's" is not the possessive of "it".

People who say Chipolte not Chipotle

Hearing "February" pronounced "Febyuary." (Also "nuclear" pronounced "nucyular," and "axe" instead of "ask.")
Hearing Irregardless - It is not a word people, it is redundant!

People who don't tell me their opinions and thoughts if they think that I will get angry or upset

The office sourpuss
Abuse of sick leave

pop-up windows on the web
Stale content on web pages
People that don't answer e-mail
Web pages that play music
The "REPLY ALL" email feature
Spam (email & food product)

Tags in shirt collars
Stickers on everything you buy

Slow traffic
Drivers who speed up when I change lanes in front of them
People who insist on passing and then drive slower than I was

Anyone who claims it is not "their job"
The race card

People that think they are entitled to have the federal government help them in every situation

People that make their emergency at work - your emergency

Pink for girls - Blue for boys

Bank machine convenience fees

Athletes that complain about not being able to get by on $14 million a year

Women in ‘g-strings’ and low-rise jeans
Rubber neckers

CD Plastic wrap and sticker seals

Those advertising mail-in cards found by the dozen in every magazine

People who don't start writing their check until after all of their items have been rung up by the cashier


Anonymous said...

OK. I'm exhausted and drained after that unpleasant list. With that off your chest, now we need a list of things that make you smile. I need something uplifting to follow it up. Oops! Thinking of my self. Wasn't that one of your compalints?

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I didn't review it before I published it. I meant complaints!

Anonymous said...

OMG....I'm Rolling!

Anonymous said...

No wonder you take Paxil. You've got to learn to deal with it!! Pick your battles!!

Anonymous said...

you have just a few.... LOL

I am so with you on the not cleaning-up WHILE you cook!!!! I HATE that!

Anonymous said...

That's a good list!

Anonymous said...

Whew... I'll read the second half of the list this afternoon. Might on the section of your list I have yet to read, but I hope to see, "people who put coffee pot back on burner with only an ounce of coffee left."

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say. I share a lot of these with you and there are some I would say, just let it go! Hang in there.


Anonymous said...

Good peeves there. Someone used to do that speaker-phone to me all the time. The last-minute check-writing bugs me too. Similar to that one were three peeves that, coincidentally, I wrote about in a note to a friend of mine last week:

"In most circumstances, I'm pretty patient (even in traffic) but I find myself rolling my eyes a lot when stuck behind the following people: 1) those who chit-chat the whole time they're in line at the coffee house and who wait until they get to the register before trying to decide what complicated drink they want the barrista to conjure up 2) those straining to determine the perfect combination of scratch-off lottery tickets to be purchased from the $20 they won from the ticket they just turned in 3) those who walk slowly, and two or three abreast, right down the middle of a hallway, so I have to jockey and maneuver to get past them without running into oncoming foot traffic. The last one has only been a problem for me in downtown Houston where most of the restaurants are underground and connected by tunnels. We need a "Slower Traffic Keep Right" sign."

Anonymous said...

you forgot
People who insist on taking 20 items to the 12 items or less line
People on their cell phone straddling the white lines on the highway
People talking loudly on their cell phone at their table at a nice restaurant
( I am sure I could go on like this all day!! But I will stop here.)

Anonymous said...
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