Wednesday, July 11


I was born and raised Catholic, but I can't help myself fom saying...

The Pope is insane.

Yesterday he reiterated something he's claimed for a long time - years, actually, due to the fact that he was quite high up in the church before he became the head honcho a couple of years ago.

The Catholic Church is the only true church. All other faiths are inferior.

Call me crazy, but I fail to see anything Christian about claiming supremacy above all others and alienating non-Catholic religions.

He stinks of Bush: Old, stubborn & misguided.

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to talk to him about this in heaven. It is important that we understand that beliefs and Truth are not always the same thing. If your parents raised you to believe that the color red was called yellow, your belief is not the truth. The Pope is intitled to his beliefs. But we only have to read the bible and have a relationship with Jesus to learn the Truth.