Wednesday, July 18

Coming to a Wal-Mart near you

Move over G.I. Joe; there's a new gang in town: the Tales of Glory Spirit Warrior Action Figures. The figurines of famous Bible men like Daniel, Sampson, and Goliath will begin appearing on Wal-Mart shelves next month and represent the first time the world's largest retailer has carried a full line of religious toys. Only about one-sixth of Wal-Mart's 3,300 stores will carry the toys and were selected based on the number of Bibles they sell. "They'll carry anything that sells," said David Croyle, president of FamilyLife. "This simply signals intelligent buying within Wal-Mart." If you're a parent, are these toys something your child would play with, and are they something you would buy for him or her?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't buy them for my kids.