Wednesday, November 30

Batting One Thousand

All this talk about the 1,000th execution in the United States has me kind of depressed.

Virginia had a shot at it, but Warner backed out. South Carolina's next up to bat.

Where's Texas? Why aren't we in the running for the 1,000th execution?

Whenever folks talk about the Death Penalty in America it is Texas this and Texas that Texas Texas Texas.

Not now, though. It's all Virginia and South Carolina and crap.

Can't we fast-track some low-life in Huntsville to his date with the needle? What about that jerk who got away from the Harris Country lockup? Yes? No? How about Tony Ford? It's not like he's busy doing Christmas, Hannukha, or Kwanza shopping, you know.
Why not just ice him now? I mean, McRib is back, who knows how long it will last, and Tony gets a last meal, right?

Come on, Governor Goodhair, let's speed things up! Please? No?

I am so disappointed in my state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m surprised it isn’t Texas too. I didn’t even realize that those other states had the death penalty.!?!????!